Choosing the “Best” Diet (For YOU)

Common Questions:

“What is the best diet?” 

“Is IIFYM better than Keto?”

“Which diet is best for me?!”


The answer to all three questions is “it depends”.

No diet or approach is the universal best.

They will all depend on a myriad of individual factors.

But no matter which diet you choose… three elements are imperative: 


Three Factors to Look For When Considering ANY Nutrition Approach


1. Sustainability


Sustainability should always be first and foremost. Simply put - no diet “works” or yields positive, sustainable results if you quit in 4 weeks. 


So, when considering an eating approach, always think, “Is this something I can sustain for a year, five years, even a decade?” Think about it as objectively as possible. If the answer is no, move on and find something more suited for YOU.


2. Feeling Great Every Day


After Sustainability, the next vital question to ask is, “How is this diet making me feel daily?” Are you energized, productive, and always ready to tackle the day? Or do you feel lethargic and unmotivated?


If the diet makes you feel tired all the time, you won’t be able to sustain it, anyway. But even if you do sustain it.. Feeling miserable is no way to live your life. 


3. Aligning Your Calorie Intake With Your Goals


Last but not least, your diet approach must create alignment between your goal(s) and your Caloric Intake. 

If your goal is to lose weight & shed body fat, then you must consume less calories than your body burns per day. (i.e. Caloric Deficit)

If your goal is to gain weight & add size, then you must consume more calories than your body burns per day.

This is due to the First Law of Thermodynamics. We don’t make the rules.

1 - Calories.png


So there you have it. 

You can opt for IIFYM, Keto, Atkins, Clean Eating, Vegan, or whatever your heart desires.

But regardless of the approach, you need to be able to say three things: 

  • “This is sustainable FOR ME!” 

  • “I feel great on a daily basis!”

  • “My caloric intake matches my goal!” 

Because if you can’t give a big YES to all three, then you’ll be saying “NOT GREAT” when friends ask how your diet is going.

The fundamentals are the fundamentals.

Go execute.


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